Can I Play Lara Croft in Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth?
Mar 13, 2024
The short answer is, yes!
TTRPGs offer players a chance to create a character that will serve as their avatar in the collaborative story you’ll tell together. In Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth, we offer Seeker Playbooks to help you create these characters. The Seeker playbooks are the Scholar, Hunter, Companion, Crafter, Changed, Legacy, and Reclaimer. The Playbooks embody varying archetypes and narrative arcs that you’ll often find in Tomb Raider stories. They’re written to encourage your creative input and interpretation.
We understand that the possibility of playing Lara Croft as a Seeker in your game is an exciting prospect. Because you can create any character you want to play, we wanted to make it easy to play a version of Lara appropriate to your campaign. You can draw inspiration from your favorite stories of the legendary raider. Or, you could entirely re-imagine a version of Lara based on an alternate storyline. The magic of TTRPGs is that the story that your group tells is whatever you want it to be, so follow your inspiration.
Lara Croft is the beating heart of the Tomb Raider stories. Honoring Lara’s character and story means that we’ve created several ways for you to play as Lara in your game of Tomb Raider: Shadows of Truth. The following are some ideas to inspire your version of her!
You can choose a Truth Seeker playbook that embodies a core aspect of Lara Croft. Lara is famously known for her family’s legacy and how it affected both the Society of Raiders and the global archeological communities. By playing the Legacy you can choose if she is an Heir, who is living up to her legacy. But what if you’re embodying Lara’s journey in Rise of the Tomb Raider? You can choose to play the Wronged instead, determined to prove her father was right about the Divine Source, and pick up the move Left Behind to describe those moments Lara listens to her father’s recorded messages for her.
Alternatively you could be Lara at the start of her journey in Tomb Raider (2013) when she sought out the lost kingdom of Yamatai as a Scholar. As the Historian you are a fresh archeology graduate seeking the hidden truth. Or what if you fast forward to Lara from Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Desperate to right your wrongs, you are a honed Hunter who must act as a Predator to stay ahead of Trinity.
Because this is a TTRPG, you’re also invited to create your own version of Lara and explore the possibilities. What if Lara was the one left behind in Paraíso, claiming the Wraith Stone instead of Amanda Evert? Then you can play the Changed! What if you want to play an older Lara, who has learned from her good friend Jonah Maiava and has decided to become a Mentor to others? Then play the Companion, guiding the next generation of raiders and archeologists.
Every Truth Seeker playbook was created with Lara in mind. She is a complex and nuanced character, and from her rich history and her peers we’ve created several possibilities for you to enjoy.
However you decide to play Lara, have fun! Trust in your ability to bring her to life, and play out her Adventure alongside the rest of your team of Seekers.
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